A Stone Industries technician inspects the outlet baffle on a septic tank.

Buying a Home?  If the house has a septic system, you want it inspected before you close.

To schedule an inspection: Call us at (800) 446-6331

All Stone Industries septic system inspections include:

Stone septic technician using a probe to locate buried components of the septic system during an inspection.

• Expose outlet end of septic tank and check outlet baffle
• Water flow test to check both the drainage into the septic tank and the drainage system’s ability to handle wastewater.
• Pump and clean septic tank.
• Check condition of tank, tank covers, inlet & outlet baffles, and all other major system components.
• Visual inspection of drainage area.
• Expose and inspect distribution box if warranted.
• Detailed, typed report will be generated from field notes and emailed or faxed, generally on the next business day after the inspection.
• Free estimates on repairing any defective parts of the septic system.

Stone Industries septic system inspections provide peace of mine when buying a house and our free estimates on repairs will allow you to finalize your negotiations with confidence.