Technician running a video line inspection inside a floor drain

Need to get a look inside your pipes?  We have infrared pipe cameras with locator heads to show you exactly what & where the problem is.

To schedule a video line inspection: Call us at (800) 446-6331

Technician performing a video line inspection on an outlet manhole.

Perfect for locating clogs and collapsed lines, our video camera system can handle:

• Pipes from 1.5” to 6” diameter
• 90 degree angles down to 2”
• P-traps down to 3”

The Rigid See Snake system allows us to travel up to 150′ into your lines and find the exact source of the problem.  The system also has the ability to record the entire inspection to submit to insurance companies or other approval agencies.

Picture of one of Stone Industries video line cameras

Our highly trained staff has the skills to take advantage of all the features of these sophisticated video line inspection systems. Call us today and let us know how we can help you.